(This might change from time to time)
- Opening/Welcome
- Introduction to guest speaker (when scheduled)
- 2 to 3 min share on monthly topic and or exercise or challenge.
- Round Robin share of a new song (how many will be based on time allotted)
When you RSVP to the Zoom invite you can email a link to your song and lyrics on the platform of your choosing.
(SoundCloud, Disco, Dropbox etc.) - Assignment, exercise or challenge for next session.
- Closing
You determine what kind of feedback you would like.
When giving general feedback we ask that you give 1 thing you like about the song or something that stands out for you and possibly 1 thing you might considering adding or changing to make the song stronger. NOTE: Keep in mind, this is only one person’s opinion.
We plan to have an occasional professional guest speaking on a specific topic.