• We ask that your intention be to attend each month’s session. And RSVP whether you will be attending that month or not.
  • We ask that your intention be to write or co-write a minimum of one song a month. It is OUR intention to assist in helping all achieve this by sharing and utilizing exercises and proven songwriting methods by professionals as well as one another.
  • Although membership may be greater, there will be a maximum of 10 people at any given session (this may change in time)
  • An invite will be sent out every month to participate in that month’s Circle.
  • Please RSVP within 3 days from invite in order to hold your spot that month. There will be a wait list for those who respond after that.
  • We ask, when possible, that when sharing a song you be on a desktop, laptop or device with good quality mic, if possible, and strong internet reception, so we can hear you best.